Rigid Body Motions


Rotation Matrix

The special orthogonal group: SO(3)SO(3)

The special orghogonal group SO(3)SO(3), also known as the group of rotation matrices, is the set of all 3×33 \times 3 real matrices RR that satisfy (i) RRT=IRR^T = I and (ii) detR=1\det{R} = 1

SO(n)SO(n) is called groups because they satisfy the properties required of a mathematical group. More specifically, the SO(n)SO(n) groups are also called matrix Lie groups as the elements of the group form a differentiable manifold (?).

:::details Definition of a group A group consists of a set of elements and an operation on two elements such that, for all A,BA, B in the group:

  1. closure: ABAB is also in the group
  2. associativity: (AB)C=A(BC)(AB)C = A(BC)
  3. identity element existence: There exists an element II in the group (the identity matrix for SO(n)SO(n)) such that AI=IA=AAI=IA=A
  4. inverse element existence: There exists an element A1A^{-1} in the group such that AA1=A1A=IAA^{-1} = A^{-1}A = I :::

:::details Definition of Lie group A Lie group is a (non-empty) subset GG of RN\mathbb{R}^N that fulfills:

  1. GG is a group
  2. GG is a manifold in RN\mathbb{R}^N
  3. Both the group product operation and its inverse are smooth functions

Reference: https://ingmec.ual.es/~jlblanco/papers/jlblanco2010geometry3D_techrep.pdf (P.40) :::

:::details What is Manifold?? An NN-dimensional manifold MM is a topological space where every point pMp \in M is endowed with local Euclidean structure.

Intuitively, this means that in an infinitely small vicinity of a point pp, the space looks "flat", or a R2\mathbb{R}^2 Euclidean space.

Reference https://ingmec.ual.es/~jlblanco/papers/jlblanco2010geometry3D_techrep.pdf (P.40) :::

Exponential Coordinate Representation of Rotation (3.2.3; P.77)

The exponential coordinates parameterize a rotation matrix in terms of:

  • a rotation axis (as a unit vector ω^R3\hat{\omega} \in \mathbb{R}^3)
  • an angle of rotation θR\theta \in \mathbb{R} about the axis

A rotation with this is represented as ω^θR3\hat{\omega}\theta \in \mathbb{R}^3.

:::message Writing ω^\hat{\omega} and θ\theta individually is called the axis-angle representation :::

There are two views to explain the connection with a rotation matrix RR:

  1. If a frame was rotated by θ\theta about ω^\hat{\omega}, its final orientation (relative to the original frame) would be expressed by RR
  2. If a frame followed angular velocity ω^\hat{\omega} for θ\theta units of time, its final orientation (relative to the original frame) would be expressed by RR

Let's think about rotating a vector p(0)p(0) by θ\theta about ω^\hat{\omega} to p(θ)p(\theta). p(t)p(t) forms the path traced by the tip of the vector.

We can see it as p(0)p(0) rotates at a constant rate (1 [rad/s]) from time t=0t=0 to t=θt=\theta. Then, its velocity is given by:

p˙=ω^×p\dot{p} = \hat{\omega} \times p

Then we use 3 ×\times 3 skew-symmetric matrix to transform it into a familiar form

:::details skew-symmetric matrix Given a vector x=[x1,x2,x3]TR3x = [x_1, x_2, x_3]^T \in \mathbb{R}^3,

[x]:=[0x3x2x30x1x2x10][x] \vcentcolon= \begin{bmatrix}0 & {\color{green} -x_3} & {\color{blue} x_2}\\ {\color{green} x_3} & 0 & {\color{purple} -x_1}\\ {\color{blue} -x_2} & {\color{purple} x_1} & 0 \end{bmatrix}

It's called skew-symmetric because [x]=[x]T[x] = -[x]^T.

The set of all 3 ×\times 3 skew-symmetric matrices is called so(3)so(3), and is also called Lie algebra of the Lie group SO(3)SO(3). :::

p˙=[ω^]p\dot{p} = [\hat{\omega}] p

This is a linear differential equation (x˙=Ax\dot{x} = Ax), whose solution is given by:

p(t)=e[ω^]tp(0)p(t) = e^{[\hat{\omega}]t}p(0)


ω^θR3[ω^]θso(3)e[ω^θ]=RSO(3)\hat{\omega}\theta \in \mathbb{R}^3 \longleftrightarrow [\hat{\omega}]\theta \in so(3) \longleftrightarrow e^{[\hat{\omega}\theta]} = R \in SO(3)

Rodrigues' formula

e[ω^θ]=I+sinθ[ω^]+(1cosθ)[ω^]SO(3)e^{[\hat{\omega}\theta]} = I + \sin\theta[\hat{\omega}] + (1 - \cos\theta)[\hat{\omega}] \in SO(3)